Laser Hair Removal for Women
Since the ancient times, removing unwanted hair from bodies has been a keen desire of mankind. Egyptians used tweezers made out of seashells to remove unwanted hair from their bodies. In today’s modern world waxing, tweezing, electrolysis are the popular methods used to remove unwanted body hair. However, laser hair removal remains to be the safest, most effective and commonly used treatment providing optimal results on a basis.
Laser Facts Introduction
Excellence Clinic offers the safest method and currently the most effective Laser Hair Removal procedures on the market today. At Excellecnce Laser Clinic, Laser Hair Removal procedures are performed by the world’s leading technology. We use DIODE Laser which is a genuine, FDA approved, MEDICAL GRADE LASER. Laser rays are absorbed by the skin and then they selectively target and disrupt hair follicles. The Laser beam is unable to reach any internal organs causing no damage to them. Laser Hair Removal is a process that helps to reduce hair growth with longer lasting hair removal and can achieve up to 95% hair loss. In many cases even after only one treatment a vast reduction in the amount of hair growing back can be seen. However, usually 8 – 10 sessions are recommended for best results. This is due to the fact that only the actively growing hair follicles in Anagen phase are destroyed by laser and not all hair will be in the active growing phase at the same time. Laser Hair Removal is medically recommended as the most effective way to treat ingrown hair. At Excellence Laser Clinic we offer safe and effective treatments to all our patients in a confidential and comfortable environment. Our Laser Hair Removal prices are very competitive. For treating multiple areas, we exclusively offer our patients various packages.
Hair Removal for Women
Does it take you hours to remove unwanted body hair? Seek the laser hair removal experts’ assistance at Excellence Clinic in vadodara and eliminate the need of shaving pesky body hair once and for all! Excellence Laser Clinic understands that women want silky-smooth, touchable, hair-free skin and we can help them achieve said goal. Using state-of-the-art technology, we can help women remove body hair from various areas of their body at an affordable rate. We are committed to our clients’ comfort and happiness, which is why we strives to make the laser hair removal process as gentle and painless as possible.
Laser hair removal process:
Lasers work by delivering an intense beam of light that is absorbed by the skin. This absorbed light is then converted to heat and is absorbed by the cells being targeted which get affected by the heat, while leaving the surrounding tissue unaffected. Hair in the active growth phase or Anagen phase is most affected by treatments as the hair contains optimum levels of melanin, which is directly targeted by the laser.
During laser hair removal treatment you and your Excellence Clinic Laser Therapist will both wear safety goggles to protect your eyes during the procedure. The doctor will use a small hand piece that touches your skin to deliver the laser pulse. A light spray of coolant on your skin might be felt before each laser pulse. Our laser machine has a dynamic cooling device. This cools the skin on contact, making the laser hair removal treatment more comfortable
Laser hair removal treatments are offered at Excellence clinic for the following areas:
Facial Hair Removal– Do you have embarrassing facial hair? We can remove hair above women’s eyebrows, upper lip area, sideburns, and the chin/neck area in a safe and painless way using the laser hair removal. We can accommodate any skin type and color, so please visit Excellence Clinic today!
Laser hair removal upper lip– Do not waste any more time on bleaching or shaving the hair above your lip-contact Excellence Clinic and learn how we can remove your upper lip hair. We offer affordable and gentle laser hair removal services to women who are embarrassed of their “mustache”.
Chin/Neck Hair Removal– As women enter their thirties, chin and neck hair has the tendency to grow thicker and coarser, making it more noticeable than when a woman was younger. Excellence Clinic uses state-of-the-art lasers to remove unwanted and unsightly chin/neck hair. We provide affordable and fast laser hair removal services for women who wish to remove embarrassing chin and neck hair.
Laser hair removal Bikini line– Shaving, waxing, depilatories, and electrolysis are all painful and temporary methods to rid a woman’s body of hair in the bikini area. Our hair removal experts provide both Brazilian and bikini hair removal treatments for women who do not want to suffer through temporary hair removal treatments.
Laser Hair Removal underarm– Underarm hair on women is not something to be admired. Women are often embarrassed and uncomfortable with hair growing in the underarm region, which is why they often shave that area. However, even after shaving underarms, black stubble still remains. Using Laser hair removal you can eliminate underarm hair without any irritation, bumps or stubble left behind by shaving.
Laser hair removal Leg– Do you want smooth legs? Come to Excellence Clinic in Vadodara for laser hair removal services. We use the Diode LASER hair removal system that treats large areas of the body, such as a woman’s legs. Results can be seen in as little as three treatments, though many clients come back for two or three additional treatments to ensure that their leg hair is removed.
Laser hair removal Breast Hair– If you have hair around your breasts and are tired of shaving or waxing said areas, you may wish to visit Excellence Clinic. We can remove breast hair and allow clients to feel confident in low-cut shirts and bikinis. The treatment will remove hair. Laser treatment can be performed on all different skin tones and types.
Laser hair removal Eyebrows– Want to sculpt your beautiful eyebrows? With laser eyebrow hair removal at Excellence Clinic, our technicians can skilfully combine artistic talent with technological proficiency to remove eyebrow hair that keeps a woman’s eyebrows from successfully framing their face. After a series of treatments all hair follicles will be destroyed and then the results are long lasting.
Laser hair removal Arms– Do you have excessive hair growth on your arms? Consider removing arm hair with laser hair removal treatments. Laser arm hair removal is a relatively painless process. We have effective topical anesthetic gel that can help minimize pain or discomfort felt during the laser process if needed.
Pre and Post Laser Hair Removal care
Pre-Treatment instructions:
The hair needs to be in the follicle at the time of treatment. Lasers target the pigment melanin in the hair beneath the surface of the skin. Because of this…
- Patients should not wax, tweeze, bleach, thread or use depilatory agents for 1 weeks prior to treatment.
- If facial hair is being treated, usually avoidance of these methods for 2 weeks is necessary because facial hair grows faster.
- If a form of hair removal is necessary, shaving or clipping can be done because these methods allow the hair to stay in the follicle.
- Lotions, creams, makeup and deodorant are removed before treatment as they can obstruct or refract laser light negatively.
- Applying ice packs to the treatment area before and after your treatment will help reduce pain, redness and adverse reactions.
Post treatment instructions
Although pre-treatment instructions are more important for a patient to follow in order to ensure safe and effective results, most patients ALSO concern themselves with post-treatment care. Below is a list of post-treatment instructions.
- Immediately after treatment there may be mild redness and swelling at the treatment site, which could last up to 2 hours or longer. The redness could last up to 2-3 days. The treated area will feel like a sunburn.
- Makeup may be used immediately after the treatment unless there is blistering.
- Avoid sun exposure. Sunscreen SPF 30 or high must be applied when in sunlight.
- Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin. Do not use any other hair removal treatment products or services (waxing, electrolysis or tweezing) that will disturb the hair follicle in the treatment area.
- Wash the treated area and pat dry for 3 days after treatment. Do not scrub.
- Start gently scrubbing treated area on the 7th day (exfoliate).
- Anywhere from 5-20 days after the treatment, shedding of the surface hair may occur and will appear as new hair growth. This is not new hair growth.
- There are no restriction on bathing except to treat the skin gently and avoid using extremely hot water for the first 24 hours.
Laser Hair Removal Recovery Process
It is probable that during the procedure the skin will become slightly red and warm. Any redness should subside fairly quickly after the procedure with most patients returning to work or social activities within a short period of time.
In the week following the treatment, it may appear as though the hair is growing however this is usually the residue of the destroyed follicles, which will fall out of their own accord, usually within two weeks.
Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal:
There are no side effects of laser hair removal procedure
Number of Sessions required:
The number of Laser Hair Removal sessions you will need – as well as how long each session will take – will depend upon a number of factors unique to you. Your skin tone, hair colour and hair thickness will all impact how many treatment sessions you will need, but typically take6-10 sessions.
Laser Hair Removal can never be performed in a single session. This is because during its lifetime, hair will go through three different phases of growth – the Anagen, the Catagen and the Telogen. Since Laser Hair Removal is only effective in the Anagen phase, you will be required to return for additional sessions to target hair that was previously in either of the other two phases.
Like all good things, Laser Hair Removal takes time. Although you will be required to return for a number of sessions, in the end it is a short amount of time to sacrifice for a lifetime of no shaving.