Scar Removal Treatment
A scar is a tissue that grows while your body heals from a wound or injury caused by accident, fall, burn, surgery. It is an unpleasant reminder for you everyday. Scars vary in shape and size. They may start out red and thick and fade over time, or turn flat, sunken, or lumpy.
When an injury affects the dermis (the inner, living layer of the skin), the body needs to repair it. In the process of repairing, it forms a protective scab over the wound, and it uses cells called fibroblasts which send collagen fibers across the injured area. These collagen fibers are proteins that occur naturally in the skin, but they are much denser and closely packed in a scar. Because of the dense and thick nature of collagen the scar has its unique appearance and feel.
Factors affecting scar development:
- Some people are genetically predisposed to scarring, and these individuals may develop very visible scars from even very small wounds. Some people might be more resistant to scarring, although large wounds will still usually leave scars behind.
- Some areas of the body are also more likely to experience significant scarring than others. Typically, places with high blood supply will scar less, while places with low blood supply will scar more frequently. This is one of the reasons why most people have more visible scars on their legs, arms, and hands than they do on their face.
Types of scars:
There are a number of different kinds of scars. Scars which are raised above the surrounding tissue are called hypertrophic scars. These scars are typically lumpy and raised and are caused by an overproduction of fibrous collagen tissue during the healing process. This build-up of collagen pushes the scar up above the level of the surrounding skin. Severely hypertrophic scars are called keloids. These scars expand beyond the area of the actual wound, and they are most commonly found on the ears, shoulders and chest.
Atrophic scars are the opposite of hypertrophic scars. Instead of being raised above the level of the surrounding tissue, they are sunken or pitted in the skin.They are formed when the wound caused the loss of structures beneath the skin. Acne scars typically tend to fall into this category, as do chicken pox scars. There are numerous other things which can cause this sort of scar as well.
Stretch marks are another form of scarring. Another name for stretch marks is striae. Stretch marks are formed when the skin is overstretched. This can happen during periods of growth, extreme weight gain, and it is common for women to develop stretch marks during pregnancy. Teens can also develop this sort of mark if they go through large growth spurts. Stretch marks are common on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and breasts, although they can develop in other places as well and they affect both men and women.
Surgical Scar Removal Treatment at Excellence Clinic in vadodara – Excellence Clinic offers the best laser treatment for scars caused by acne, Facial, Skin Scar Removal and Plastic Surgery at low cost & price. The procedure is done by expert cosmetic surgeon.
Scar Removal Procedure
With new advances in laser technology much can be done to treat scars. At Excellence Clinic laser scar removal or reduction is a common procedure performed using most advanced laser machinery and expert technicians. With help of a laser technology, scars can be lessened significantly and possibly erased, depending on their severity. We offer three main types of skin laser treatments available:
- Laser skin resurfacing, also referred to as “ablative” laser resurfacing
- Fractional laser resurfacing
- Non-ablative laser resurfacing
Laser skin Resurfacing
High powered laser is used in this treatment and with the help of laser, top layer of the skin that has been scarred is removed. The laser also penetrates dermis of the skin, tightening and smoothing the skin. Laser resurfacing is performed at Excellence Clinic on an outpatient basis, and usually takes one to two hours. Goggles protect your eyes from the laser’s bright light during the procedure, and you’ll be given a local anesthetic for the pain and twilight sedation — you’re not “out,” but you are sedated. The dermatologist uses a handheld wand like device to run the laser over the scar to remove damaged skin cells. Each pass of the laser will remove more cells.
There are two types of lasers used for skin resurfacing. Both come with their pros and cons: cons:
- CO2 laser is more powerful laser which penetrates deeply into the skin and is better at removing thicker and deeper scars. However, recovery time is longer, usually about two weeks.
- Erbium: YAG laser is milder laser than CO2 laser and is most often used to treat shallow scars. Since there is not much pain involved in this type you’ll not need much anesthetic and sedation when you undergo laser scar removal with this laser, and your recovery time is faster, about a week.
Fractional Laser Resurfacing
In this laser therapy tiny beams of light that penetrate deeply into the skin are used. This results in dozens or even hundreds of microscopic holes from where skin cells have been removed, surrounded by healthy skin. With the help of these holes old skin cells are broken down while stimulating collagen production within the deeper skin layers. With the help of surrounding healthy skin, the damage done by laser heals quickly, resulting in fresh, new skin cells.
Topical anesthetic will be provided to prevent pain. This therapy is much less invasive and requires little to no recovery time. Patients usually experience redness or minor swelling that fades within a few days. You’re likely to need three to five treatments, spaced out at least a week apart. While some improvement will be seen immediately, you will have to wait a few months to get the real results of the treatment.
Non-Ablative Laser Resurfacing
In this type of treatment dermatologists use infrared skin lasers to heat the inner layers of the skin while leaving the surface untouched. This promotes collagen production and creation of fresh new skin cells that will replace the scars’ damaged cells. The pro for this procedure is the time involved. It does not require the recovery time needed following laser skin resurfacing and also takes less time in the doctor’s office, 15 to 30 minutes for each treatment.
Scar Removal Recovery And Results:
The recovery for laser scar removal depends upon type of laser used. For CO2 laser treatment, the recovery takes about 2 weeks whereas for YAG laser treatment it’s about 1 week.
Advantages and side effects of scar removal treatment:
CO2 laser treatment can be somewhat painful and the recovery time might be longer compared to YAG laser. However the results that you get from powerful CO2 laser are much smoother compared to the YAG laser treatment. It is wise to give consideration to the size and shape and location of your scar before choosing the type of treatment.